10 Ways to Start Your Day Positively

10 Ways to Start Your Day Positively




10 Ways to Start Your Day Positively


1. Wake Up Early - Are you ready to get things done? One of the first steps to feeling good in the morning is waking up early. By doing so, you're allowing yourself more time for "wellness time". This ultimately leads to one feeling accomplished.

2. Wake Up on the First Alarm - Ditch the pesimist & groggy feels by getting up on your first alarm. Delaying the process leaves you less time to get your morning routine in!

3. Think of 3 Things You're Grateful For - Believe it or not, there's a lot of people who dislike the morning time. Waking up with a grateful mind makes it easy to wake up and live life the best way possible.

4. Drink Water - The morning time is time for hydration after hours of sleep. In addition, drinking water first thing in the morning allows one to better digest their food and covert nutrients.

5. Fitness - Did you know that working out in the morning will contribute to better wellness throughout the day? Kicking the day off at the gym can speed up your metabolism & release endorphins.

6. Post-Workout - By the time your workout is over, it's time to quickly get the nutrients you need with a post workout drink. Until a healthy breakfast is ready, branch chains will suffice.

7. Healthy Breakfast - Get the overall fuel your body needs to make it through the day by making a complete & healthy breakfast i.e. eggs, toast, fruit, etc.

8. Tea or Coffee - If you're feeling a bit tired after a good breakfast, then drinking coffee and tea is a great way to bring all of your senses to life again. Re-energize before taking off to work with a little cup of green tea or black coffee.

9. Meditation or Prayer - Before you start scrambling the mind with assignments, errands, and chores-- try a little meditation or prayer for a more focused, content, & optimistic mood.

10. Read or Write - In the morning, your brain is more fresh, clear, and ready. Reading and writing is a great way to exercise the mind before getting into the groove of things.

11. BONUS- Always make sure to shop Runner Island for all your Active Wear 

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